Hello all! How are things going? No doubt some of you have students who are very busy with exams and assessments right now.
My recent talk at researchED Haninge was about evidence-based study strategies, and I’ll share the link to the slides next week (in the meantime, check out this blog post on study strategies for the week before a big exam).
During the Haninge event I wrote a thread on Twitter, responding to some of Dylan Wiliam’s points about teachers’ engagement with evidence. You can find it here:
Twitter thread about Dylan Wiliam’s 5 questions we should ask when applying research to education.
To me, the 3rd and 5th questions he raises are the most critical. As I mentioned in my newsletter a couple of weeks ago, teachers’ time (question 2) must be a key concern when planning any change/intervention. In my opinion, this is often a very strong argument for evidence-based approaches, as they are more time efficient ways of teaching (though there are complications, as I’ll speak about in a future update).
The 5th question concerns applying the research findings accurately, and this is one of the main reasons for trying to promote an understanding of relevant research with practitioners via these updates and at talks.
Next up, I am speaking at the Barcelona researchED event on 3rd June. Although the talk is different, the theme is very similar. The title of my talk will be: ‘Supporting students to become self-regulated learners: Evidence-based approaches’. I’ll share those slides in future as well.
You might be interested to see the locally hosted site, which includes my talk titled as ‘Ayudando a los estudiantes a regular su aprendizaje’.
researchED Barcelona – programme in Spanish
One more thing to mention: the upcoming free SecEd webinar on June 6, 2023 focuses on metacognition and motivation in the classroom, with tips/advice for how teachers can develop independent learners. I will be part of the panel. Find out more and sign up here.
Have a great week!
Last week: Expert Teachers and Deep Student Understanding
Website: www.jonathanfirth.co.uk